Get Unstuck
Enjoy the self-respect and integrity of being YOU
Margo offers you her ‘unsticking’ emotional fitness and leadership abilities drawn from a ‘dual track’ career. She understands the complexities of being a senior manager and CEO as well as being a person who lives a real life as a parent, partner, lover of good food and good health. She also has 25 years of coaching and solution – oriented therapy skills to offer along with a nuanced suite of qualifications.
She has a unique range of programs and ways to enthuse, unstick, liberate and empower individuals, teams, organisations and communities for greater vitality and in accordance with their goals and directives and their highest potential.
She does this within the fields of coaching, therapeutic work, advisory, workshops and public speaking.
The reason I do this work is to create a legacy of long lasting
and ongoing benefit to people and situations I work with.

About Margo Field
‘Unsticker’ of people, couples, teams and organisations, Life Coach, Solution Oriented Counsellor, Hypnotherapist.
Ex CEO and C Suite Wranger.
Keyonote speaker
Management Advisor – unsticking teams, staff selection, strategy and career direction, leadership challenges.
Bachelor Arts (Social Sciences)
Advanced Diploma in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Counselling
Psych-K® Basic and Advanced Program
Certificate IV Workplace Training and Assessment
Certificate Workplace Investigations
HeartMath Certified Trainer (biofeedback)
Reiki Levels 1 and 2
Certificate of Metaphysical Studies
Certificate Youth Mental Health First Aid
General Nurse Training
Full Member International Institute Complementary Therapists
Australian Institute Company Directors Board Foundations Program
Women on Boards Leadership Program (Victorian Government 2018/19)
And a host of other qualifications! – Margo has a strong connection with keeping on learning….
Macedon and Romsey (In Symmetry Clinic
Your workplace or Melbourne CBD by arrangement